This is a great local company.
I used them to landscape my front yard last year.
Their mission is to help homeowners use less grass and more flower gardens.
Butterfly Bounty
Full Sun / 100 SQ Ft / 27 starter plants
Garden In A Box – Plant a new perspective.
2020 Gardens In A Box On Sale NOW!!
Order today to get your top pick of gardens, and secure your $25 water provider discount at checkout.
7 gardens in a box to choose from.
The boxes come with the plants and a planting map that is easy to use.
Here is one example:
Butterfly Bounty is a four-season fiesta for pollinators of all shapes and sizes, but especially the butterflies. In early spring, the Catmint and White Rock Soapwort invite honey bees into the garden. In summer, butterflies are found feasting on the vibrant red and gold blossoms of the Brilliant Oriental Poppy and the Black-Eyed Susans. The Coronado® Hyssop provides a fall refreshment for hummingbirds before their migration south, and the seedheads of the Purple Coneflower provide a winter meal for small birds. Nearly all of the flowers in this garden attract varieties of butterflies as well! 100 sq. ft. a perennial garden featuring 27 full suns, xeric plants.
Make sure you order now. These kits sell out and need to be planted in the spring.
Resource Central
2639 Spruce Street, Boulder, CO 80302
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